“Don’t mistake movement for progress.” View this post on Instagram To quote one of my favorite actors, Denzel Washington: “Do not mistake movement for progress.” Anyone can move around but also stay in the same place. Making progress is a much different story. In order to make progress we must make the right movement CONSISTENTLY. In order for you to evolve into your goals, being consistent is key. Anything worth something takes longer than you think. Ask yourself how long it takes to have clean teeth? You could brush for 9 hours straight in one sitting, end up injuring yourself, and not be closer to your goal. Getting clean teeth is about consistency. Brushing and flossing two times a day every day over a prolonged period of time to see results. ⠀ Today is January 6th 2020 and everyone is trying to make “moves.” My intention is to remind you of the consistency it takes to progress in a scalable fashion so that you achieve anything you set your mind to on December 31st 2020 AND beyond. Fall in love with the journey and strive for consistency. I hope you had a great #monday #loveciricle. #namaste 🙏 A post shared by Kevin Ng Yoga + Mindfulness (@kevinngyoga) on Jan 6, 2020 at 8:44pm PST Kevin NgJanuary 6, 2020 Facebook0 Twitter Tumblr 0 Likes