"You are bigger than a resolution..." View this post on Instagram Nothing has meaning aside from the meaning we attach to it. If you don’t believe me, look at the 11:11 phenomenon. People say that when you see 11:11 it means everything is in synchronization. What they don’t realize is that you check the clock 50 more times in a day but those other times we haven’t attached any special meaning to. As a result, when you see it, you categorize it as special. My point in telling you this is to help you realize that no new year’s resolution is bigger or stronger than you. You define the meaning to each moment so why limit yourself to a year? Consistency will always win over intensity in the long run. Use resolutions as a tool and guide but never let it define you nor attach too much meaning to it. Broaden your perspective and in this awareness you’ll begin to realize you can make every month/day/hour a resolution. If you haven’t heard me say it enough, I appreciate you for being you. Your presence on my channel is something I cherish deeply and will never take for granted. I’ll keep creating content that reminds you just how incredible you are as long as you keep coming. All my gratitude and blessings to you, namaste 🙏 A post shared by Kevin Ng Yoga + Mindfulness (@kevinngyoga) on Dec 30, 2019 at 7:50pm PST Kevin NgDecember 30, 2019 Facebook0 Twitter Tumblr 0 Likes