"You'll be okay either way..." View this post on Instagram ✌️ #mindfulnessmonday ✌️ ⠀ Either way I’ll be okay. On the surface this may sound like a careless statement, but if we look a little deeper what it truly represents is non-attachments. Being okay either way means you are receptive to the outcome whether it goes accordingly to your intention or not. It doesn’t mean you care any less, but rather it just means you have matured in your trust. Trust that whatever the outcome was IS exactly how it was supposed to be. Doesn’t mean we don’t work as hard, aspire to achieve less, or not learn a lesson; it simply means we recognize that the path we are on is guiding us closer to our truth. Whatever experience that is necessary for the development of our consciousness, we choose to welcome with open arms versus restricting our experiences to the narrow focus of our “plan.” By reminding yourself you’ll be okay either way it immediately alleviates the self pressure and puts things in perspective. If you don’t believe me, try it the next time you’re faced with a big milestone or decision. There are no mistakes, have TRUST in your path and the rest will fall into place. If you doubt it, what’s the alternative? More stress and anxiety? We’ve all tried that and can agree it’s not the best. Give this new way a try and let me know how it goes. A post shared by Kevin Ng Yoga + Mindfulness (@kevinngyoga) on Jul 22, 2019 at 7:32pm PDT Kevin NgJuly 22, 2019 Facebook0 Twitter Tumblr 0 Likes