"Our thoughts are..." View this post on Instagram ✌️ #mindfulnessmonday ✌️ ⠀ Our thoughts can be a great servant but a terrible master. If left unchecked, they can turn us into our own worst enemies. If you don’t believe me, imagine if you believed in all the crazy stories you tell yourself on a daily basis. You’d be a train-wreck! Often times these negative thoughts trigger emotional responses because they are related to something you are trying to prevent from happening. The good news is that thoughts can also be your best friend if you remind yourself that YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHOOSE what to believe in. A great example is thinking “Why is this happening to me!?” versus “This is happening to me for a reason that has yet to reveal itself.” You see the difference there? Same scenarios, but much different thoughts. I’m not sayin you block out thought, that would be inhumane, but rather remember you have the power to pick and choose! ⠀ The application of mindfulness brings you first to a place of awareness. This will create the distance and freedom you need to regain perspective and control of thoughts. If we can pause to validate a thought before it turns into an emotion, we can prevent ourselves from hardships down the road. Master your thoughts and you will master yourself. A post shared by Kevin Ng Yoga + Mindfulness (@kevinngyoga) on Jul 15, 2019 at 8:58pm PDT Kevin NgJuly 15, 2019 Facebook0 Twitter Tumblr 0 Likes