"In the problem lies the solution" View this post on Instagram ✌️ #mindfulnessmonday ✌️ ⠀ “In the problem lies the solution” ⠀ I am a firm believer that life will never give you a problem you can’t already solve. By no means am I downplaying your problems, but what delays this realization in all of us is the attachment to the past. At times we can get so comfortable with the abundance and steadiness in this life that we forget it’s not suppose to always be like that. So as a result when something comes out of left field to shake us, it’s natural for us to do everything in our power to resist what’s happening. ⠀ To help ease this process, I want you to shift your perspective. Instead of categorizing these happenings in your life as “problems” I want you to think of them as “changes.” When we do so, we energetically take away their power and thus make it easier for us to see the true purpose of the change faster. ⠀ If you don’t believe me, reflect on a “problem” that you experienced in the past. When it was happening, it felt like the walls were caving in, but now that you look back you can literally see why it happened. It always brings you closer to where you are supposed to be. Recategorize your problems into changes and see how much faster you find the solution. A post shared by Kevin Ng Yoga + Mindfulness (@kevinngyoga) on Jul 29, 2019 at 7:27pm PDT Kevin NgJuly 29, 2019 Facebook0 Twitter Tumblr 0 Likes