"What makes you feel loved?" View this post on Instagram ✌️ #mindfulnessmonday ✌️ ⠀ “What makes you feel loved?” ⠀ For those of us who have been fortunate enough to feel unconditional love, we know that it is one of greatest experiences in our human lives. If we reverse engineer this experience and I asked you to pinpoint the exact moment you felt loved it’d probably be a hard question to answer. The reason why is because love is created through one word: consistency. ⠀ The truest and highest form of love is developed over time. It’s not just one monumental thing but rather small consistent things over time that made you feel how you feel. Love overnight is not love, it’s transient romanticism, but the truest form of love will stand the test of time. ⠀ So now that we understand that love takes consistency, we’re able to apply it not only to our relationships, but also in all facets of our lives. Think about the best boss you’ve ever had at work, what made them a good leader? It wasn’t a certain moment but rather a consistent display of having your back so that you established trust with them. Same goes with your favorite yoga instructor 😉 , restaurant, best friend, etc. Achieving and experiencing anything you truly love requires consistency. ⠀ If we’re better able to understand what makes us experience love, we can spread more of it and that is exactly what this world needs. Wholistic individuals who demonstrate consistent kindness and love towards one another on a frequent basis. Make this world a better place, be consistent with your presence, time, and love. A post shared by Kevin Ng Yoga + Mindfulness (@kevinngyoga) on Sep 16, 2019 at 8:34pm PDT Kevin NgSeptember 16, 2019 Facebook0 Twitter Tumblr 0 Likes