"I take responsibility for the energy..."

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✌️ #mindfulnessmonday✌️ ⠀ “Not only am I responsible for the energy I create, but also for the energy that I surround myself with.” ⠀ Tonight I want to bring some awareness to a place that we typically think we can’t, others. More specifically, I want you to think back to the last time you felt someone took advantage of you and brought negativity in your life. Our initial reaction is to place all the blame on the other person, but when we take deeper look, some of the responsibility falls on us as well. ⠀ One of the root causes of being surrounded by negative energy is that we did not do a good job in establishing and articulating clear boundaries of what is okay and what is not okay. In not doing so, our integrity is compromised and we make the assumption that these people are out to get us. ⠀ This highlights why boundaries are so important because they help us articulate our truest self and in turn enable us to make a more generous assumption about others. When we are clear upfront with regards to what’s okay and not okay; rather than being victimized by unrealistic expectations, we become champions of articulating or most authentic selves. ⠀ It’s empowering when you come to the realization that you hold the power to control what’s in your life. If you’ve articulated your boundaries to someone and they continue to overstep them, then it’s time to reconsider their purpose in your life. We all know that as humans we can do some terrible things to each other. This post is not intended to condone those actions but rather shift the focus towards personal growth. If you made it this far, tag a friend who needs to see this or comment on how you will begin to set boundaries. Peace and blessings to you, have a wonderful evening, #namaste

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Kevin Ng