"3 steps to reclaim your personal power"

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1️⃣ Take Ownership: In most cases, things don't happen without our permission. Whether you were consciously aware of it or not. The sooner you come to this realization that it started with the energy you put into it, the sooner you're able to stop being the victim of your circumstances and conditions and become the victor. This allows you to reclaim your purpose and places you in the driver seat to step two. ⠀ 2️⃣ Change the talk track: Once we take ownership of our power, we can then reverse engineer the talk track inside our heads. In most cases what you'll find is our expectations weren't in sync with our reality. This then makes us look for things to blame that are outside of us. Once we realize this, we are able change the talk track and shift to a place of power that acknowledges that we were in control all along and are responsible for the things that happened. By owning and analyzing our power we are then able to take step three. ⠀ 3️⃣ Establish Boundaries: Now that you've shifted to a place where you acknowledge and recognize your power, you can then start to articulate the key ingredient that establishes your power, boundaries. By being confident in your personal power, you become comfortable in showing others your vulnerability and ultimately true self. Instead of doing things solely to please others, you do so in way that doesn't sacrifice what's okay for you. By doing so you remove the victim mentality and are able to reclaim your personal power in the most authentic way. You give from a place of abundance versus a place of lack. ⠀ I hope that these three tips helped you to reclaim your power. Please message me or comment below if you have any question. I love you and I believe in you, #namaste.

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Kevin Ng