"An apple tree doesn't worry about..." View this post on Instagram To quote my good friend Kyle Cease, an apple tree doesn’t worry about the other trees around it. It’s main concern is producing the best apples it can possibly produce. As humans, we can take a lot from this analogy. Often times, we worry about what other think at the cost of staying true to ourselves. That cost is too high because it goes against the infinite being that you were put on this planet to be. Be inspired by others but never try to emulate who they are because that spot is already taken. Instead work towards realizing and being more of what makes you one of a kind. Cherish it, honor it, believe in it, and be more of it. From there, you’ll begin to realize that your fruit is truly one of a kind. I believe in you, #namaste A post shared by Kevin Ng Yoga + Mindfulness (@kevinngyoga) on Dec 16, 2019 at 7:56pm PST Kevin NgDecember 16, 2019 Facebook0 Twitter Tumblr 0 Likes