"Willingness and capability"

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✌️ #mindfulnessmonday ✌️ ⠀ “No matter how willing you are, you will get nowhere without capability” ⠀ Just do it...no doubt you’ve heard the phrase before and at times it can be the motivation you need to achieve some great things. However, in the wrong context, it’s a dangerous perspective to live by and share with others. More often times than not people are willing to make a change. Ask any smoker who knows the health risks if they want to quit. But as much as they are willing to make a change, it comes down if they are willing to learn what’s necessary to be capable of it. ⠀ In our society we’ve been preconditioned to “do” and “fix” things so FAST that we’ve become insensitive to the HOW. We’ve forgotten that no matter how willing you are, you will get nowhere without capability. With this perspective shift, think of how different things would be if instead of focusing on “doing,” we focused on cultivating the capability to “do.” How much more compassion and kindness would we have for ourselves and one another? ⠀ No matter the circumstance, any change originates from a fundamental realization that something needs to change. From there, becoming capable of doing making the change takes time. It it’s a journey full of trial and errors, and it’s one I’ve been on all my life. One thing is for sure, at the end of the day, it’ll be worth it.

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Kevin Ng