"Match your words with your actions"

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Match your words with your actions A sign of maturity is when your words and actions are in alignment. As easy as this may sound, I want you to think about the last time you said no to something or someone. At times, it seems unnatural to do so because we’ve been taught to serve others. So what do we do? We say yes but never following through to avoid disappointing others, knowing that in the back of our minds we aren’t going to ever do it. In reality all we are doing is adding to and prolonging the disappointment we are tying to avoid in the first place. You see, by committing to something you will never do, you are creating a false expectation. This false expectation leads to resentment and even deeper disappointment later on down the road if you continue to push it out or are finally brave enough to say no. When you commit to something, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are capable of seeing it through. If not, be brave enough to say no or set realistic timelines for when you are truly able to say yes. In that way, you leave no room for misinterpretation or the questioning of your integrity. Keep in mind, serving others at the cost of your own peace is not authentic service. Assuming the other person doesn’t want to cause you harm, they will understand when you say no. If not, I question their purpose and intention in your life. When your actions match your words and your words match your actions, no further questions are necessary 😉

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Kevin Ng