What screws us up the most in life...

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"What screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how it's supposed to be" Case in point, our current circumstance. As humans, the more things become routine, the more they become an expectation. Remember when we could go anywhere we wanted at any time? At times this picture or expectation becomes so routine that we forget to appreciate it. When it magically disappears, it’s jarring and can lead to frustration and disappointment. The bad news, we have no control over what has happened; the good news we can remind ourselves to reframe the picture of expectation. What if the purpose of our current circumstances is an awakening to consciousness? A call to appreciate everything we took for granted on a daily basis? A reminder that our lives are an opportunity versus guarantee? Often times we are reminded to be grateful when we lose something. Think of when you experienced the loss of a loved one. Without downplaying or being insensitive to what you’ve lost in the past few weeks, this will be over soon and things will slowly return to how it once was. How much more will you appreciate being able to go to yoga now? As difficult as this is now, when life as we knew it slowly resumes, we’ll look back in history and recognize that this is when the world stood still. I want you to experience and remember this stillness to leverage as perspective. Maybe it stood still for us to recognize and appreciate just how wonderful life is. If you made it this far I would love to hear your current journey and experience. Please comment below or DM me 🙏

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Kevin Ng