"The universal law of energy"

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✌️ #mindfulnessmonday ✌️ Why is it that when you have a bad day it snowballs? One crappy thing leads to another and pretty soon it seems like the whole world is against you. The answer is lies in the energetic frequency in which you were emitting. As one of my spiritual Michael Bernard Beckwith says, this universe picks up on the frequency in which you are exiting and turns that into law. So the next question then becomes, how do we pull ourselves out when we’re in a funk and vibrating at a low frequency? The answer is patience. We cannot go from a low negative frequency to a high positive frequency immediately. It takes time and micro adjustments to your perspective so that you can start to work your way out of it. An example of this shift can be instead of thinking “Why is this happening to me!? 😤” to “This is happening to me for a reason that has yet to reveal itself 😠.” Second and perhaps always is gratitude. Feeling grateful places you back in a mindset of abundance versus a place of lack. In this way, you’re able to regain control of your circumstances and conditions much easier. We all wish there was a quicker fix that makes us feel better when things are going wrong. However, by seeking to understand how this universe works, we can begin to empower ourselves with the knowledge to fix it for ourselves. I love you and I believe in you, #namaste.

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Kevin Ng